I have a new guitar coming in a couple of weeks that I am super excited about. I wanted to do something really special for my 65th birthday this year, so I collaborated with Francois Laramee, an excellent luthier in Canada, to have a guitar built to my requested specs – from the tone woods to the size and all the dimensions. Francois makes beautiful guitars, and I wanted to share some photos of my new guitar here. After six months of planning and crafting, it’s nearly done and I am so looking forward to its arrival! Here is Francois’ most recent comment on the build:
This guitar has been strung for 2 days and yet the sound has something fantastic; volume, sustain, strong harmonic and more, I am very proud of this instrument. I think the old air dried Rosewood since 1990 combined with the torrefied Adirondack instead of the Sitka did the job perfectly.